Specially-abled Playground Equipment

open air gym equipment

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specially abled playground equipment

Specially Abled Playground Equipments

At Replay India, we believe every child has a right to play, grow and develop for a brighter future. Specially abled children face and fight challenges as a struggle for survival.

Outdoor experience is very necessary for children of every age to engage and connect with the world. Sensory parks and play equipment attract children with special needs helping them experience the joy of playing. We at Replay India pledge to make beautiful childhood memories, by building rightly designed and safety equipped handicap playground equipment for disabled children, to make life fun for them. We have created specially abled play equipment with specially abled multiplay system after deep research and development efforts, to install best play equipments at playgrounds making them easily accessible and user friendly for specially abled kids.

Colorful, attractive and specially designed equipments by Replay India, gives these kids freedom to play. These equipments aim to make them independent and confident. Disabilities have always existed in the society; attitude is what makes the real difference. Creating handicap playground equipment for disabled children; we definitely look forward to bringing in equality.

Believe us or not, when those tiny faces give you a broad smile, it is worth a million dollars.

Specially-abled Playground Equipment

Sensory Park

Ball Pool

Ball Pool - Crawling Tunnel3 - specially abled playground equipment


DC-001 -BP
Actual equipment size: 15 X 12 X 10 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 21 X 18 X 14 FT.
Children capacity: 10 children

Sensory Park


Climber - specially abled playground equipment


DC-002 -CL
Actual equipment size: 10 X 6 X 6 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 16 X 12 X 12 FT.
Children capacity: 6 children

Sensory Park

Crawling Tunnel

Crawling Tunnel3 - specially abled playground equipment


DC-003 -CT
Actual equipment size: 12 X 5 X 5 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 18 X 10 X10 FT.
Children capacity: 5 children

Crawling Tunnel2 - specially abled playground equipment


DC-004 -CT
Area:12 X 5X 7 FT.
Actual equipment size: 12 X 5X 7 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 18 X 10 X 12 FT.
Children capacity: 5 children

Crawling Tunnel1 - specially abled playground equipment


DC-005 -CT
Actual equipment size: 9 X 5 X 5 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 15 X 11 X 10 FT.
Children capacity: 5 children

specially abled playground equipment Musical Equipments


DC-006 -CT
Area: 15 X 8 X 5 FT.
Actual equipment size: 15 X 8 X 5 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 21 X 14 X 10 FT.
Children capacity: 8 children

specially abled playground equipment Musical Equipments


DC-007 -CT
Actual equipment size: 5 X 5 X 5 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 10 X 10 X 8 FT.
Children capacity: 3 children

Sensory Park

Musical Eqp

specially abled playground equipment Musical Equipment


DC-008 -ME
Actual equipment size: 6 X 2 X 8 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 10 X 6 X 10 FT.
Children capacity: 4 children

specially abled playground equipment Musical Eqp


DC-009 -ME
Actual equipment size: 2.6 X 2 X 4 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 4 X 4 X 6 FT.
Children capacity: 2 children

specially abled playground equipment Musical Eqp


DC-010 -ME
Area: 7 X 2 X 4 FT.
Actual equipment size: 7 X 2 X 4 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 12 X 6 X 6 FT.
Children capacity: 5 children

specially abled playground equipment Musical Eqp


DC-011 -ME
Area: 4 X 2 X 6 FT.
Actual equipment size: 4 X 2 X 6 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 6 X 4 X 8 FT.
Children capacity: 1 children

Sensory Park

Play Panel



DC-012 -PP 
Actual equipment size: 4 X 1 X 4 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 6 X 3 X 6 FT.
Children capacity: 2 children

Sensory Park

Sand Play

specially abled playground equipment Sand Play


DC-018 -SP
Actual equipment size: DIA. 6 FT. / H.5 FT.
Minimum recommended area: DIA. 10FT. / H.10 FT.
Children capacity: 5 children

Theme Park


specially abled playground equipment gym


DC-019 -GYM
Actual equipment size: 5 X 1 X 5 FT.
Minimum recommended area: DIA. 10 X 3 X 8 FT.
Children capacity: 2 children

specially abled playground equipment gym


DC-020 -GYM
Area: 5 x 5 x 5 ft.
Actual equipment size: 5 x 5 x 5 ft.
Minimum recommended area: 8 x 8 x 8 ft.
Children capacity: 2 children

specially abled playground equipment Gym


DC-021 -GYM
Actual equipment size: 5 X 2 X 5 FT.
Minimum recommended area:8 X 4 X 8 FT.
Children capacity: 1 child

Theme Park


Theme Park Specially-abled Playground Equipment


Actual equipment size: DIA. 4 FT.
Minimum recommended area: DIA. 8 FT.
Children capacity: 4 children

Specially-abled Play Equipment


Actual equipment size: DIA. 14 FT.
Minimum recommended area: DIA. 18 FT.
Children capacity: 2 children

Specially-abled Kids Play Equipment


Actual equipment size:DIA. 5 FT.
Minimum recommended area: DIA. 10 FT.
Children capacity: 3 children

Theme Park

Multi Play

Specially-abled Play Equipment


Actual equipment size: 50 X 44 X 13 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 56 X 50 X 16 FT.
Children capacity: 40 children

Specially-abled Playground Equipment6


Actual equipment size: 18 X 16 X 11 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 24 X 22 X 13 FT.
Children capacity: 10 children

Replay Specially-abled Playground Equipment5


Actual equipment size: 24 X 18 X 12 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 30 X 24 X 14 FT.
Children capacity: 15 children

Replay-Specially-abled Playground Equipment


Actual equipment size: 42 X 16 X 13 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 48 X 22 X 16 FT.
Children capacity: 20 children

Specially-abled Playground Equipment4


Actual equipment size: 18 X 6 X 11 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 24 X 12 X 13 FT.
Children capacity: 5 children

Specially-abled Playground Equipment


Actual equipment size: 20 X 6 X 11 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 26 X 12 X 13 FT.
Children capacity: 8 children

Replay Specially-abled Playground Equipment


Actual equipment size: 16 X 16 X 8 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 22 X 22 X 10 FT.
Children capacity: 15 children

Specially-abled Playground Equipment1


Actual equipment size: 20 X 16 X 11 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 26 X 22 X 13 FT.
Children capacity: 8 children

Theme Park


Replay - Standalones1


Actual equipment size: 2 X 2 X 2.5 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 4 X 4 X 6 FT.
Children capacity: 1 Child

Replay - See-Saw1


Actual equipment size: 12 X 2 X 3 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 18 X 6 X 5 FT.
Children capacity: 2 Children

Theme Park


Swing for Special Children


Actual equipment size: 14 X 8 X 10 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 20 X 14 X 14 FT.
Children capacity: 1 Child

Replay - Swing2


Actual equipment size: 15 X 6 X 10 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 21 X 12 X 14 FT.
Children capacity: 2 Children

Replay - Swing1


Actual equipment size: 12 X 6 X 10 FT.
Minimum recommended area: 20 X 12 X 14 FT.
Children capacity: 2 Children

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